
Brian Frantz

Summary of Arguments in Anselm’s Proslogium:

  • Something exists in the understanding than which nothing greater can be conceived.
  • Something that exists in reality is greater than something that exists only in understanding.
Therefore, that which exists in the understanding than which nothing greater can be conceived must also exist in reality.
  • It is possible to conceive of a being which cannot be conceived not to exist.
  • A being which cannot be conceived not to exist is greater than a being which can be conceived not to exist.
Therefore, that being than which nothing greater can be conceived cannot be conceived not to exist.
  • A thing may be conceived when the word signifying it is conceived and when the entity itself is understood.
  • When someone understands “God” in name only, He can be conceived not to exist. But when someone understands the concept of “God,” He cannot be conceived not to exist.
Therefore someone who claims that God can be conceived not to exist does not understand the concept of God.
  • The concept of “God” is that than which nothing greater can be conceived.
  • That than which nothing greater can be conceived is the highest of all beings.
  • The highest of all beings cannot have been created (for that which would have created it would have been greater).
Therefore God has not been created and is thus self-existent.

As the only self-existent (and uncreated) Being, all things must necessarily have been created [ex nihilo] by God.